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Basic Welding Techniques

Larry J. Lum

Updated: Feb 21, 2019

This article is totally for the beginner who have never welded before. If you have a zero experience in welding, you will find it particularly useful. I will cover the basic of welding so that you can have some prior knowledge when go for the actual welding.

My job is not to make you expert in welding, but to make yourself familiar in this field. You will learn how to handle the gun and lastly how to do some basic welding keeping yourself safe. Visit ProSafety101 to learn more about it.

Now, first thing first. Let’s be comfortable with handling the gun. Before you start doing any actual welding, you must be comfortable handling the welding gun. You need to use your two hands to handle the gun.

Use your one hand to rest the barrel of the gun and use the other hand to operate the gun’s trigger.

Make yourself comfortable while standing and move the gun over the work surface steadily. Doing this couple of time will make you natural.

Now comes the part of real welding. Attach the lead to the work piece. Hold the gun and make sure it meets the surface of the weld at about 30-degree angle. Squeeze the trigger when it touches the wire. The wire should starts meting and making crackling noise.

Arc Welding Technique

Now that you have learned the basic of welding, I will talk about most common arc welding. It’s nothing but joining two metal pieces with the electrode.

Arc welding requires patience and practice to master it. Follow the 4 step process to make yourself familiar with arc welding

Step 1: You need to create an arc between the work piece and the electrode. So, strike the arc first.

Step 2: You need to create a bead from the melting electrode by moving the arc.

Step 3: How do you want your finished bead to be shaped? Keeping that in mind, weave the arc back and forth to shape the weld bead.

Step 4: Lastly, you need to brush and chip the weld between the passes. Remove the slag each time you complete a pass.


I know it’s not the most comprehensive guide out there. But I hope you find it useful to start welding. Keep practicing, you will end up being an expert as well!

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